- An introduction to contemporary theatre / Jan Błoński
- Penderecki's operas in the context of twentieth-century opera / Robert S. Hatten
- The avantgarde and avantgardism as exemplified by Penderecki / Krzysztof Szwajgier
- Elements of synthesis in Penderecki's Symphony no. 7 : seven gates of Jerusalem (1996-97) / Ray Robinson
- Penderecki's hymn Glory to St Daniil, Price of Moscow on intricacies of genre and culture / Teresa Malecka
- Krzysztof Penderecki's Credo (1996-98) : a brief introduction / Ray Robinson
- Penderecki's The devils of Loudun and the case of urban grandier / Edward Boniecki
- The devils of Loudun by Krzysztof Penderecki : genre, form, style / Zofia Helman
- Daughters of Kundry? : laughter and the grotesque in Penderecki's The devils of Loudun / Stephen Downes
- The music theatre in relation to societhical problems : The devils of Loudun by Krzysztof Penderecki as seen in contrast to Peter Grimes and other operas by Benjamin Britten / Andrzej Tuchowski
- Olivier Messiaen et l'avènement de l'opéra religieux / Pierre Albert Castanet
- The dramatic, musical and biblical context of Schönberg's Moses und Aron / Niall O'Loughlin
- Origine et développement de la sacra rappresentazione / Irène Mamczarz
- Paradise lost : a contemporary interpretation of the Biblical story of salvation / Regina Chłopicka
- Some problems of instrumentation in Penderecki's opera Paradise lost (1975-78) / Ray Robinson
- Some harmonic aspects of Krzysztof Penderecki's Paradise lost / Ewa Wójtowicz
- Krzysztof Penderecki, Paradise lost : from Milton's poem to the sacra rappresentazione : libretto / Agnieszka Draus
- The theology of horror / Tadeusz Chrzanowski
- The black mask : a contemporary expressionistic vision of danse macabre / Regina Chłopicka
- Krzysztof Penderecki's opera The black mask as a starting point for a comparative study of middle-European Baroque and modernism / Anna Łabędzka
- Ubu Rex and the theatre of t1,00he absurd : several observations / Zbigniew Skowron
- From Rossini to the contemporary avantgarde : the interplay of conventions in Krzysztof Penderecki's Ubu Rex / Iwona Lindstedt
- Penderecki's Ubu Rex and surrealism in Polish music theatre / Maria Anna Harley
- The pataphysical context in the New Opera / Andrzej Chłopecki
- On producing Krzysztof Penderecki's works for the stage : discussion with the participation of the composer
- Documentation of the symposium.
- "Materials of International Symposium Krzysztof Penderecki's music in the context of 20th-century theatre"--T.p. verso.
Summaries in Polish.
Some chapters translated from Polish.